Mid Lake Protection & Managment District


Board Meeting

Agenda - Mid Lake Protection and Management District Meeting Who: Mid Lake Protection and Management District What: Board Meeting Where: Woodruff Town Hall/Conference Call or Zoom meeting When: 6/8/2022 @ 7:30pm CST. Zoom link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88543285626?pwd=MjJRbnFYL0RUUStJQ2ErNTBDRFVjQT09 Meeting ID: 885 4328 5626 Passcode: 538200 AGENDA: 1. Call meeting to order 2. Approve current agenda with order of […]

Board Meeting

Mid Lake Protection and Management District Meeting Who: Mid Lake Protection and Management District What: Board Meeting Where: Zoom meeting When: 6/12/22 5:00pm Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88543285626?pwd=MjJRbnFYL0RUUStJQ2ErNTBDRFVjQT09 Meeting ID: 885 4328 5626 Passcode: 538200 AGENDA: - Call meeting to order - Mil Rate discussion and consensus for discussion at annual meeting - Review and approve 2023 […]

Board Meeting

Due to a posting error this meeting was rescheduled. See next new post for date and time. Mid Lake Protection and Management District Meeting Who: Mid Lake Protection and Management District What: Board Meeting Where: Woodruff Town Hall/Conference Call or Zoom meeting When: 12/13/2022 @ 5:30pm CST.  Zoom link: https://iu.zoom.us/j/85126081315  Phone: 646-931-3860   Meeting ID: 851 […]

Board Meeting

Mid Lake Protection and Management District Meeting Who: Mid Lake Protection and Management District What: Board Meeting Where: Virtual meeting via Zoom When: 12/19/2022 @ 5:30pm CST. Zoom link: https://iu.zoom.us/j/88408221860 or https://zoom.us/join - enter meeting ID number Meeting ID: 884 0822 1860 Phone: 646-931-3860 AGENDA: 1. Call meeting to order 2. Weed Harvester Report. 3. […]

Board Meeting

CANCELED Mid Lake Protection and Management District Meeting Who: Mid Lake Protection and Management District What: Board Meeting Where: Virtual meeting via Zoom When: 2/28/2023 @ 5:30pm CST.  Zoom link: https://iu.zoom.us/j/88408221860 or https://zoom.us/join - enter meeting ID number Meeting ID: 884 0822 1860 Phone: 646-931-3860 AGENDA: Call meeting to order Budget Report Update Board member […]