Mid Lake Protection & Managment District



Important Aquatic Invasive Species Quick Reference:

Click here for more information from the Wisconsin DNR

Eurasian Watermilfoil:

Photo of Eurasian water-milfoil

Photo credit: Alison Fox, University of Florida, Bugwood.org

Curly-Leaf Pondweed:

Photo of curly-leaf pondweed

Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

Purple Loosetrife:

Photo of purple loosestrife

Photo credit: S. Kelly Kearns

Pale-yellow Iris:

Photo of yellow flag iris

Photo credit: Leslie J Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut, Bugwood.org

Rusty Crayfish:

Photo of rusty crayfish

Photo credit: Jeff Gunderson

Banded/Chinese Mystery Snail:

Photo Credit: Sea Grant University of Wiscoinsin

Flowering Rush:


Photo of flowering rush

Photo credit: Kitty Kohout

Comprehensive Management Plan

Find below our comprehensive management plan. This plan was developed with input from the Mid Lake Planning Committee, specialists from Onterra and input from the DNR. This outlines the steps necessary for the continuing management of Mid Lake, as well as providing background information about lake water quality, watershed assessment, shoreland conditions, aquatic plants, aquatic invasive species(AIS) and fisheries data integration.

